martes, 22 de julio de 2008


Blank page. New start, new beginnings.
More doors?
Revolution of the mind, transformation of the soul.
Every time something ends, it seems so final. And it usually isn’t so. There’s always a follow-up. A lingering feeling that sort of dangles in mid-air. Sometimes we play with it, other times we lock it up in the lowest drawer of old, forgotten furniture. It’s almost comical how we think that that is the way to move on, to be over. But it crawls, escapes and finds its way back into your mind…or even worse, your heart. I come to think that when it settles up North, in some corner of the psyche, it’s possible to handle. There’s suppression, lost memory, and other very well known defenses. But when it finds its way back to the heart, that’s when you’re fucking screwed. That visceral feeling that roots into the body, every inch, every cell, is the most difficult to rid of. Especially when we don’t want it. ´Cos when we do, it doesn’t last as much as we would like. That is the ultimate paradox.
Penelope, always wanting what she doesn’t have.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Queno bueno leer algo suyo penélope! Hace mucho que no recurro al teclado tampoco, por alguna situación semejante a la sulla. Saludos,
Axolotl (blog que caducó hace mucho)

Anónimo dijo...

"Every problem is an oportunity in disguise", me lo acaba de recitar mi amigo A.Lincoln. Te manda saludos.

Ambition is a missleading concept. Jeopardizing your feelings for young summerlove thoughts, move on, be my guest.

Parentesis: El jardin del vecino siempre esta mas verde.